Just returned from a holiday down south and managed a couple of days birding

Have not been to Frampton Marsh for 15 years and then it was in March. Summer is different.
Had some good weather and a reasonable journey down from Sheffield, taking 1.75 hours
Lots of Sedge warblers calling from the reedbed and showing well. Better after lunch when the wind dropped
Reed Bunting
Lots of Mute swans with young
As usual the Spoonbills were less active, 6 in this group
Good to see Avocet doing well, around 150 adult birds
Little Ringed Plover
Goldfinch feeding closeby
Reedbed warblers included many Reed warblers but they stayed alot lower than the Sedge Warblers
Lots of Young Avocet around the reserve
Birds recorded
Spoonbill (6) Little Egret (7) Grey Heron (4) Swallow, House Martin, Swift, Sand Martin, Buzzard, Corn bunting (2) Reed Bunting (12) Sedge Warbler (50+) Reed Warbler ( 20+) Avocet, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing, Spotted Redshank, Turnstone, Redshank, BHG, Med Gull (3) Herring Gull, GTBB, House Sparrow, Rook, Carrion Crow, Magpie, Coot, Moorhen, Mute Swan, Goldfinch, Skylark, Meadow Pipit, LTT, Blue Tit, Pheasant, Wigeon, Pintail, Mallard, Pochard, Teal, Starling (41)