Monday 27 May 2024

Shetland Duck

Shetland is just coming through the best spring migration in the past 30 years and its still going on

Garganey a scarce duck in Shetland
The above arrived then went around with two male Gadwall, again not common in Shetland

Lots of Eider about

Shetland doesn't have too many pairs of Shetland, perhaps under a dozen pairs. This pair took up territory at Grutness

Saturday 18 May 2024

Shetland Garganey

Always good to see  Garganey. This one kept fluing off with two male gadwall and then returning to the pool but staying over the far side.


Sunday 12 May 2024

Gt Northern Divers in Shetland

We can always see Gt Northern Divers in Shetland
we get more in winter but also a few in summer and that means in breeding plumage
There were 4 birds at West Voe, Sumburgh, all different plumages and one bird calling
In the US they are called Loons


Tuesday 7 May 2024

Shetland Bluethroat

Lots of migrants about these last several days and having already found a Wyrneck at Grutness I came across this superb Male Red Spotted Bluethroat

It is always good to find a good bird and there is plenty og opportunity in Shetland to do this.

I had only just entered the quarry at Quendale when this Bluethroat appeared over to the left and spent 5 mins working away to get to a manure heap but was then chased off by a wheatear.
It quickly came back and started feeding again. This was a well marked bird, always better in spring


Saturday 4 May 2024

Shetland Starling

Shetland Starlings are very noisy at the moment. The Starlings here are sedentary and do not migrate like others that you see further south
Shetland has a good population and they are nesting at the moment. A few always nest in the engine space in cars and a few fires are normal, so check under the bonnet
Flocks of Starlings are often seen on the moors and in fields feeding and this happens all year round