Sunday 23 June 2024

Sumburgh Puffins

I keep saying that i have enough Puffin photos but then head up to Sumburgh for more.
Incoming Puffins are the hardest to get, coming at you at a very fast speed. With my system, the A1 the auto focus is fast even with a 1.4x converter on a 200-600mm lens
All these were taken at ISO12800 on a dull day, the i have used Topaz AL noise reduction.
Speed was at 1/5000 second at F9


Saturday 8 June 2024

Red Backed Shrike invasion- shetland

An amazing year for Red Backed Shrikes, normally less than 10 spring records, this spring it was estimated that we had over 200 on one Shetland

This one down at Swinster and stayed three or four days always in the same place