Friday 24 December 2021

Glaucous Gull Sandwick

Merry Christmas to all

Having seen an Iceland Gull down at Sandsayre yesterday it was good to see the larger Glaucous Gull

There was around 100 + gulls feeding around the outlet pipe as well as similar number if Starling, 22 Turnstone, 12 Purple Sandpiper, 3 Shag and 6 Rock Pipit

The Glaucous was the last gull to take off and the first to land on the rough sea

December is the start of the white winged gull season and a couple of Glaucous Gull have already been seen in Unst, one later knocked down by a car

At this time of year the light fades quickly and these were taken around 2.30 with most in the shade so I had to use ISO6400 which always produces a lot of noise